Aug 11 2020

Empowering Pumps Podcast Featuring – Chris Skintges

Chris Skintges, Municipal Market Manager and Chopper Pump expert, recently sat down with Charli Matthews, founder & CEO of Empowering Brands, to discuss Chopper Pumps and current events. Chris has over 18 years of sales experience in the pump industry, four of those years serving as a Southeast Regional Sales Manager for CP&S. Chris has…

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Jul 7 2020

Product Release: New Non-Clog and Chopper Hydraulics

We are excited to release new hydraulics for non-clog and chopper platforms! This new hydraulic extension applies to Barnes and Deming brand pumps, extending our hydraulic coverage for mono-vane, dual-vane, tri-vane and vortex impellers, increasing maximum flow to 6500 gpm, and providing more solutions for non-clog and chopper customers. Our non-clog pumps are designed for…

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Jun 29 2020

Challenge The Chopper

To learn more about the Sithe Chopper Pump visit:  Here To see a Sithe Demo Trailer schedule and view more chopping videos visit: Here

Jun 6 2020

SITHE DEMO TRAILERS – Back on the road!

We are excited to announce that the Sithe Demo Trailers will be returning to the road June 15th! Demo Trailer 1 will be beginning its summer tour in Missouri and Arkansas for the month of June then heading South for July. The second Sithe Demo Trailer will be touring Ohio for the month of June….

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Mar 20 2020

COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Customers and Partners, As the global impact of COVID-19 continues to unfold, our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this pandemic, including our Customers and associates at CP&S (CP&S). Since 1855, Crane has operated under the mission created by RT Crane, “I am resolved to conduct my business in the strictest honesty…

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Mar 5 2020

Material Innovations For Cutting And Chopping in Chopper Pumps

The Rise Of Chopper Pumps Chopper pumps are used extensively in heavy duty solids-laden water applications including municipal waste water, industrial sewage, food processing, agricultural byproduct, and raw untreated drainage run-off from metal, paper and chemical industries. Chopper pumps increasing popularity can be attributed to the combination of increasing solids in water streams and decreasing…

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