May 20 2019

Advantages of Pressure Sewer Systems

Gravity Sewer Systems Conventional gravity sewer systems collect wastewater from homes and transport it to a collection line by allowing gravity to force the flow of liquid and solids. There are no pumps or pressurized components in tradition gravity sewer systems but this method requires the digging of wide, downward-sloping trenches to serve as an…

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May 17 2019

Barnes SITHE Chopper Pump – Hartford MDC, CT

Municipality Overview: Life Before Chopper Pumps: The Metropolitan District (MDC) is a municipal corporation that provides safe, pure drinking water, environmentally responsible sewage collection and treatment, and other services that will enhance the quality of life for everyone in the eight member towns they serve. The collection system receives sewage from residential, commercial and industrial…

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May 14 2019

Barnes SITHE Chopper Pump – Lannon, WI

Municipality Overview: Life Before Chopper Pumps: The Village of Lannon is part of the Menomonee Falls Sanitary Sewer System. The maintenance staff of Menomonee Falls manages over 200 miles of gravity sewers, 11 pumping stations and over 5,000 manholes. Menomonee Falls is a pass through operation with waste water from its collection system being treated…

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Apr 18 2019

Early Compliance with DOE 2020 Pump Regulations

DOE Overview The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is a cabinet-level department of the United States Government concerned with the United States’ policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material. The mission of the DOE is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and…

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Apr 8 2019

Barnes SITHE Chopper Pump – Darien, GA

Municipality Overview: Life Before Chopper Pumps: The municipality of Darien is located in McIntosh County, GA with a population of approximately 2,000 people and is located 50 miles south of Savannah. Darien has close to 20 waste water pump stations and has a wastewater treatment plant with a 0.6 MGD capacity. The municipality was experiencing…

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Feb 27 2019

Barnes SITHE Chopper Pump – Piqua, OH

Municipality Overview: Life before Chopper Pump: The municipality of Piqua, Ohio is home to nearly 21,000 residents and is located in Miami County, 30 miles north of Dayton. The municipality currently operates 7 lift stations, four of these lift stations are in the process of being completely rebuilt. The Eagles Nest Lift station receives sewage…

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